Thursday, April 23

Still on Facebook & Twitter

I found Rebecca there, so please if any of you are on Twitter also, I'd love to see you there! Let me know what's your twitter name..mine is "GemWasHere"
Hope to see there soon!
Gem :)


Facebook: **

YouTube: **

~Gem~ :)


Joann said...

Funny, I was just there trying to check it out, it wouldn't let me, I'll try again in awhile. I'll look for you!!

garnett109 said...

I think i'll stay right here.
Enjoy your day.

Sage Ravenwood said...

I'm over there under Sageraven hon. I haven't been by in a few weeks though. (Hugs)Indigo

Lucy said...

Hey Gem, you have written a little lately on your blog. I have not even checked becUSE I didn't think you would be making entries. I don't go to fae book amy more. I had fun while I was on but My computer has been having all kinds of problems and I am short on space on the memory and computers, hard drives. Hope you had a great day, yesrterday on mothers day. Lucy Horky

Rjet33 said...

Rjet33 on Twitter! :)

